Monday, May 2, 2011

Introduction (or how I got to this point)

Admit it...we've been on a date with "that guy." We've had our hearts broken at one point. We've been on blind dates, internet dates, set-ups and any other kind of date you can think of. We've met men in bars, clubs, grocery stores or even at work. We've had our share of good night kisses...and good morning ones too. We've done the "walk of shame." We've woken up to notes on pillows. We've waited patiently by our blackberries, constantly checked email, Facebook and Twitter hoping that some means of communication would happen. We've cried when we never got a return phone call or email. We've been sad when they deleted you as a friend or stopped following you. We've had our moments of weakness, frustration, silliness and anger when it comes to dating.

That's me. I've done all of those and then some. I could go on, but this is just an introduction. I'm hoping that I've made a connection with you, my dear reader. I'm hoping that my stories will accomplish several things. First, I want to make my reader feel good about being single. Just think if you were in my shoes, going out with "that guy." Staying at home, wearing sweats, watching "Law & Order: SVU" and eating Ben & Jerry's doesn't sound so bad, does it? Second, I want male readers to read these stories and think about their behaviors. Third, sometimes we need to laugh at others' misfortunes. That's what I'm here for, to provide some type of humor for those who may have had similar experiences. Misery loves company...or so I'm told.

The point is I've taken the advice of a close friend and decided to start writing about the joys and mishaps of my dating life. I've had good and bad dating experiences that have led me to the person who I am today. I know what I want and who I want. But, sometimes those moments of weakness creep up on me. I end up on a date with someone that is the exact opposite of what I thought I wanted. I learned my lesson and moved on.

This blog is about my real life dating experiences. For those of you who may have gone out with me, do not worry. The names have been changed to, well, hmm. Let's just say the names have been changed. I do not mean to be malicious in any way. I just want to tell my stories from my point of view. After all, these are confessions from a girl you once knew.

Now, where to begin...?

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